Saturday, April 4, 2009


Any of you fellow bloggers out there use blogvertise?

I'm considering joining their little network there and throwing out some paid link love to advertisers. But I am interested in hearing what anyone else might have to say on the subject, such as if they actually pay okay or not. Do they pay on time?

They seem okay up front, but there is nothing like getting the inside scoop from someone who has already been there and done that. I wouldn't think that I would be making a whole ton of cash with them, but every little bit does tend to help.


  1. I've blogged with them a couple of times last year.
    They pay in time. No problem at all.

    But there are not a lot of opportunities.

  2. Blogvertise is great. Sign up. You'll be glad you did.

    Here's the deal -- write a few paragraphs here and there, get between $5 and $10 per post. Plus, you don't have to insert any code on your site like you do with some pay-per-post sites.

    And, the site has plenty of advertisers and hands out opportunities quite often (I take anywhere from 10 to 20 per month -- not bad).

    Convinced yet?

    The Natural State Hawg

  3. I've been with them since late January. They will assign you tasks which you can either approve or decline. For those you accept, you have 5 days to complete the task. As for pay, yes, they pay on time. I am very happy with them and use them almost exclusively. (pays a lot better than Pay Per Post).

  4. Hey, thanks for the info. I'll definitely give them a go. Sounds like a good way to earn a bit extra.

  5. I have signed up with them for more than 3 weeks, and still they haven't assigned me any tasks to do..Many of my friends are facing the same dilemma!

    It could be the economy is bad nowadays?
