Thursday, April 9, 2009

Canned Spam

My Dad used to feed us spam. Mostly when we were camping or when Mom wasn’t around. I remember liking it as a kid. Then I grew up.

I found better things to eat than spam. I lost track of the tasty meat in a can. I got married. I had children of my own.

Then one day I was in the grocery market and noticed the spam. I asked my wife if she like spam. To my utter surprise she said she had never eaten spam in her entire life. That meant that I was the only one in our little family who had ever tasted the stuff.

So I bought a can. I took it home, cooked it up (I love it pan fried on sandwiches with an egg, some spinach, mustard, tomato, pickle and mayo). I fed it to my kids. I fed it to my wife. I waited. I hoped.

And they loved it! Hooray for spam. One more tiny tradition I can pass on to my kids, and one less headache when I don’t know what to make for lunch. Just open a can of spam and everyone is happy.


  1. I never ate spam as a child. My Dad used to eat sardines on saltines crackers. I LOVED those. But, my hubby wanted me to bring home some Spam a while back. I thought "how gross"...but I tried it and while I wouldn't want to make it a constant in my diet, it was a nice change. Our two-year-old grandson was here when we had it and he also LOVED it! Ate nearly half the can! Of course, we haven't found anything he doesn't like (except chocolate...go figure).

  2. Have you seen all the different types of Spam? With BACON! Everything's better with bacon. :-)

  3. Here's some spam to remind you of the good old days: I am a prince from Nigeria whose ancestors recently died in a plane crash. If you wish to share my inheritance of millions....

    Lol. Anyways nice blog. Like the clean layout. Take care :)

  4. Spam is a staple in my neck of the woods (hawaii)

  5. lol they used to have only one flavor, now you see spam with cheese, bacon, egg even! etc...

    nice blog you have here and thanks for the ec ad. I have approved it and you are on your way. 8)

  6. Hmmm. Can't say I've ever tried it, either, but your sandwich does sound delish!

  7. Spam with bacon? Sounds yummy. Meat with more meat, can't go wrong there!

  8. My husband introduced me to the apparent British treat of "Potted meat". It's like ground up bologna in a can and surprisingly tasty. You never know, sometimes the best and most comforting foods are the cheapest.


  9. We had a few spam recipes that even my fussy family would eat!
