Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Importance of Seeds

I read a lot. When I can, I like to read, among other things Louis L'amour, cowboy books. So I got to thinking about what people eat or what they used to eat and I realized that some things haven't changed much.

Seeds are a staple of our diet. Two centuries ago, particularly in the less settled areas seeds were a staple in their raw form. Seeds gathered, dried, and then used later. Beans, for example, were a staple of the cowboy diet. Beef and beans were served almost universally across the west.

In our day, we tend to eat fewer seeds plain, except as snacks. Roasted sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are common tasty snacks, but are not generally consumed as meals. Most seeds today come in the form of refined breads and cereals. Tortillas, muffins, breakfast cereal, pancakes, tofu, and soy products all stem from the tradition of seed gathering.


  1. Recently the FANTASTIC health benefits of chia seeds (yes, those little seeds of 'Chia Pet' fame). I've ordered some and will be making them a regular part of my diet.

  2. Wow! Never heard of that. I will definitely have to check that out.

  3. Hi,
    Nice meeting you.
    I think seeds are again coming up to the mainstream diet due its unusual health benefit.
    Inviting you to my food blog where I posted some delicious seed based recipes.
    Hope you will like them.
    Your friend always.

  4. @alwayswinner786:

    Thanks for the invite. I stopped over and you definitely have it going on! One of your amazon widgets didn't look right on my computer though so you may want to take a look at that!

    Love your content!
