Thursday, May 14, 2009


Call it a flight of fancy, call it a fascination, but I do really enjoy the thought of dragons. I enjoy the idea that a creature, majestic, intelligent, powerful, almost immortal could dwell here on this planet with us.

Few other creatures in literature captivate the mind so fully as do the thoughts of dragons. I know that I have written at some length on other blogs about them, even going so far as to write stories.

These days in our largely corporate existence it is difficult to allow the imagination time to escape into other realms where fancies like dragons could exist.
We spend out days pursuing the same wealth that dragons are fabled to have horded and battling against challenges that can seem as overwhelming as staring down the fiery breath of a dragon.

Do you dream of dragons? What dragons do you face?


  1. I have it on good authority that dragons are moody, petulant, and way too emotional. Therefore, they are difficult to work with in any traditional jobs. They are also self-centered, egotistical, and have bad breath. So there.

  2. According to your analysis my last boss was definitely a dragon.

  3. Dragons do exist, and not in the form that we think they do.
