Friday, April 3, 2009

Hair Removal

I'm a married guy and every so often my wife brings up the issue of hair removal. One would think that there would be other experts out there more qualified to take this conversation to than myself, but then I am supposed to be the one she confides in.

So far she just isn't happy with anything that she has tried. I don't care one way or the other about her unwanted hair. I'm just glad that such a wonderful woman is willing to put up with me. But the question on my mind is what hair removal methods work the best in terms of ease of use and results?

We've tried waxing, sugaring, and the good old standby shaving. Anything else I'm missing here? Laser treatments are out. I'm not made of money. Anything else that works and doesn't break the bank?


  1. Hi
    Nice blog, entertaining style of writing. You're right about the bloggers and their decreasing frequency. On my own blog, the Zurichdiaries, I stick to twice a month. It's not always easy but highly rewarding.

  2. Have you ever asked why? Why get hair removal?
