Saturday, May 30, 2009

Road Trip to McDermitt

So I just took a road trip to McDermitt, Nevada/Oregon. McDermitt, in case you are wondering is a little patch of desert that somebody decided to paste a motel and a gas station on. Okay there is also a casino with a restaurant in it but not much else.

Why was I there? Business. Not much else would get me there except maybe the hunting. But there is plenty of good hunting much closer to home.

I had the unfortunate experience of discovering that it really isn't much fun to change a tire on a desolate desert road. I don't mean highway 95 or some nice ranch road. I'm talking about a little dirt track in the middle of nowhere in 100 degree weather with the dust in your face. Really don't bother trying it.

It is nice to be home again and hopefully next time I'll remember all of my tools.

1 comment:

  1. I've been through there many times on my way to and from California. I even stayed in that motel once...not a fun experience.
