Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Who Is Kate Daniels?

Guest Post By Carrie Sund

Kate Daniels is the lead character in a series of books by a husband and wife team, who write as Ilona Andrews. Kate stars in Magic Bites, Magic Burns and Magic Strikes. She is a sassy mercenary working for more than one team in the magical community she plays in.

Kate lives in a world where technology and magic are at war. Kate is there to clean up the magical messes that are inevitably produced when the magic is in control. In her world magic comes in waves, when the tech is up very little magic can be used and when magic is up most technology is rendered useless.

Kate carries a magical blade that often craves a feeding on magical blood. Kate also wields a smart mouth that nearly gets her killed more than a few times. She is rather inept at relationship building. Her past has taught her to run and keep running which is hard on making friends. She was taught to never get close to someone, never show off her power and never let even a drop of her blood be found. As your read the three books you slowly learn why Kate has been taught to fear being found, her very life is in danger if the wrong people find out who she is.

As Kate stays in one place a while and makes a few friends she realizes she rather likes having friends. She begins to realize it even thought it is hard to have friends, as she puts them in danger all the time, it is well worth the trouble. She has a were-hyena, a were-panther and a were-wolf she really cares for by the end of the third book.

Then there is the Beast Lord Curran, a were-lion in charge of all the weres in Atlanta. Kate and Curran have a romantic relationship…..well a messed up romantic relationship. In the three books the relationship is building but it is hard to tell if anything will come of it. All you really know is they care for each other and show it like a couple of 12 year olds. In each book they team up in the pursuit of a magical criminal and you can see the pain in them as they watch each other nearly die.

Kate has incredible power that is not fully revealed in the three books. Each book shows more of the power she has stored up in her, but I have the distinct feeling that there is more to come. Kate grows up a lot in the three books and comes to realize what is truly important to her. She risks her own life by using her power to save her friends. I have been reading a lot lately and I find enjoyed these books more than most.

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